Number symbolism

Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect divine vibrations. The secret powers that numbers hold are eternal, though their significance is periodically lost.

The following definitions may be used as a starting point:

This number represents the inverted octahedron emerging from spirit into the mundane world. Infinity belongs at the start of the number chain, not at the end. In fact, the alphabet and numbers are based on patterns which are clearly visible as octahedral energy rotates across the surface of a torus.


It is the first number. It is genesis, the circle, the sphere.


This number represents duality, differentiation. Light separating from the darkness, the yin and yang, the two poles. It is also associated with the binary system and mitosis.


This number can be symbolized by the equilateral triangle. It represents the holy trinity. The three that are one.


This number represents stability, the base of a pyramid, ground or earth. It can also mean foundation, order. Things related to stability like points of the compass, the seasons and the elements: air, fire, water and earth.


This is the number of man, of biological phenomena. It is represented by the pentagram and also appears everywhere in plant life.


This number has a connection to the Flower of Life and the six directions. It is the number of points of a water molecule.


This number is related to the measurement of time. The seventh circle is really the centre of the Flower of Life, a place of no dimension, the M point. As God emerges from no time, we have the seven days of creation.


This number has connections with time and infinity, but it is also a power number, meaning wealth and success on Earth: $ comes from S, meaning 8. It is also a symbol of the inverted octahedron creating form from spirit energy.


This number is the embodiment of the Fibonacci spiral and can be described as the number that always returns to itself. Multiples of this number like 81, 126 and 1,242 can have their digits summed to verify this reduction. Nine guards exist on each level of local creation and recapitulate themselves as nine energy principals guarding the space and time surrounding the gates and thresholds. The nine principals of our spacial parameters are: synergy, spiral, vibration, energy force, explosion, frequency, entropy control, implosion and patterning. Into these nine parameters comes the Word as the 10th principle with light and love to conquer limited spacial dimensionality. Nine can also be called God’s number and represents form from the void.


Base 10 has been adopted by humanity as our counting cycle. With ten fingers and toes it is easy to see why. It represents completion or the number cycle restarting. Ten is related to earth and observable phenomena.


Number Eleven is a master number and means birth or enlightenment. Others turn to 11 characters for teaching and inspiration and are usually uplifted by the experience. 11 is the divine base unit which begins at 1. God uses base 11, man uses base 10, erroneously believeing in a theoretical concept called “zero”.


This number represents time and the heavens: the 12 houses of the zodiac are above us which again relate to the Flower of Life. The clock turns to signify the passing of time. 13 is situated in the centre of the clock.


This number signifies the initiate. 13 is an integral part of the creation pattern and is also known as 12+1. It is a Fibonacci number and also a prime. 13 is a symbol of transformation, and can represent a re-birth into a higher state of consciousness beyond the Earth plane. The lunar cycle also has 13 phases.


This is a sacred number associated with immortality. It is expressed in the overt and implied dimensions of the Sri Yantra. 17:12 is the circle/square harmonic that represents divine consciousness. 17 connects the enfolded and unfolded universes.


This is the master builder number and all projects and people who are associated with it meet with success. It signifies large endeavors and realized ambition. It can mean strength, fortitude and ability carried to completion.


23 cycles per second make the note F#, the fundamental vibration of the reality we call Earth. The number 23 is therefore intimitely connected with time. 23 is also the axial tilt of the Earth relative to her elliptic. 23 degrees lets us measure our 26,000 year precessional cycle and our four seasons. When this cycle ends our consciousness changes. 23 is therefore related to time and is a universal numerical influence. The heliacal rising of Sirius occurs on July 23 every year. Related force phenomena like Sunspots also have 23-year cycles. Humans have 23 chromosomes.


This is the divine number which can signify a God-Man. There are 33 energies of man and mitotic divisions, which really describe ALL the fields of force around spirit. These include all the platonic force lines as they dynamically rotate to form the merkaba. 33 signifies the alpha and omega—a person with supreme talents and divinely-aligned will: true power, leadership and holy unions.


This number is 101010 in the binary system. It actually means completion, transition or rebirth into a different state. In this sense it is related to 10. Aquarius is associated with Uranus. The planet with 11 rings faces the Sun for 42 Earth years and then turns away for an equal period. 42 is also a Sirian chromosomal count.


51 degrees is the most common angle in the Sri Yantra and certain structures that are based on it: the pyramids. 51 degrees is therefore associated with sound and sub-space vibrations. This angle can also be derived in a triangle by geometrically using the circle and square to reveal the dimensions of the Earth and Moon. Stonehenge is located at 51 degrees. Not a prime, 51 is made up of 3 multiples of 17.


A Fibonacci number and the square of 12, this number also represents the completion of the time cycle and the levels of energy around man. Reversed, this number reads 441, with a square root of 21 (also 12 reversed). Some orders believe it is the number of years between reincarnative births. 144 also has many references in sacred texts and has redemptive qualities.

The Sound was in the beginning, and that very Sound was with God, and God was that Sound.


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